English community


City Life Church Den Haag is a large church congregation in an international city. Therefore, we have many English-speaking members and visitors from all over the world, who we try to serve as best as we can.

To help these people find each other, a community of English-speaking people has been created. They have regular meet-ups, and the community team is available to help them find their way in church.

CLC Den Haag has many activities for its members, and most -if not all- of them are available for English speakers. You can learn more about this below.

In addition, there is English translation via headsets in the 10.30 services, and an English-language newsletter will be available soon.

If you have any questions, please use the form below to contact the English-language community team.

We are looking forward to meeting you soon in our church!


On Sunday, June 23rd after the 2nd service we will have a hangout for our English community. If you are interested in joinig us we ask you to register in advance, so we know about how may people we can expect. Of course admission is free!


CLC Den Haag is an active church with many activities. At most events you will find people who speak English, some events are even fully English-language.

For all events, please see our full schedule (Dutch + English).


Connectgroups are the beating heart of the church!

Connectgroups exist to help you in your walk with God. They provide support, social contact, friendship and knowledge to help you through the week. They’re also a lot of fun! As City Life Church grows, we believe that personal relationships must also grow and become more important. We are a large church in numbers, but at the same time we want to be very close to each other.

What can you expect in a Connectgroup?

Prepare yourself for a morning or evening where you get to know God better in a relaxed way. Where you can ask your questions, share your experiences, pray together, and where practical education is given. A safe environment where lives are built together! Also, a Connectgroup is the ideal way to build friendships.

What Connectgroups are there?

City Life Church has Dutch-speaking Connectgroups which also speak English as well as English-only Connectgroups. To see details of each group, contact the Leader or, to sign-up, please click the links below.

City Point [25 – 30 yrs] – Couples Connect (English)

International English Connect – Edwin & Peace Quadt (currently full)

Women Connect Group (English) – Jaimie Keppel

International Mixed Connect – coming in the Autumn


To help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus we offer a personal growth path. Also, there are courses on several subjects like marriage, parenting and Bible study.

All courses are available for English-speaking members. For an overview of the course program, see the Courses page.


Interest groups center around people with a common interest. This can vary from bible journalling to our hiking group. Whatever your age, there always is an interest group that fits you!


To keep up-to-date on the activities at City Life Church in English, please subscribe to this Newsletter (English) mailing list. Thanks and hope to see you Sunday at church!


If you have any questions or remarks regarding the International community, please fill out the contact form. We will get back to you ASAP.

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